Marketing Strategy | Marketing Insight | Plinkfizz

Business strategy insights and consultation

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We integrate combined business development know-how into our marketing strategies and offer this consultancy as a separate tailored project.

Our marketing plans and the delivery of integrated campaigns are award-winning. We pair this with a variety of business insight techniques to create powerful development strategies for your business. 

The Plinkfizz team specialising in business consultancy for executives, directors and c-suite members have years of experience operating in a range of environments. Spanning a range of industries and sitting across a variety of boards – like the Chartered Institute of Marketing and the Staffordshire Chamber of Commerce – there is an answer for the most complex of business conundrums.  

Business consultancy

Our business consultancy services provide expert advice and guidance on multiple aspects of your business including operations, management, finance, and marketing.  

In these processes, our team of expert consultants help identify opportunities, analyse market trends, and develop effective strategies to achieve overall goals. 

Alongside the above, business consultancy can span strategic guidance, assist with recruitment, and determine how to run large-scale operations like marketing and HR. 

Strategic insights

Based on our analysis, we gain a deeper understanding of market dynamics, the behaviours of your customers and the competitors within your field.  

This not only offers you valuable marketplace knowledge but allows us to make smart marketing decisions like audience segmentation and impactful messaging.  

Non-executive director support

Non-exec director (NED) support in the business strategy and marketing worlds refers to guidance from another group of directors who are involved in the day-to-day operations of running a business. Plinkfizz’s team of supporting experts create objectives through new perspectives, offer strategic insights for all business processes and ensures processes and goals match.  

This type of support typically helps contribute towards a dynamic and competitive business. 

Marketing for family-owned business

Running a family-owned business throws up unique challenges. The second, third or fourth generation of owners might have been drafted into the day-to-day operations with no previous business experience, it’s important to have a consultant who understands and offers valuable advice.  

Family-run businesses could also have a variety of emotional dynamics. Decision-making can be tricky in turn, create a conflict of interest in the business. Having professional strategists in place to help with these conflicts can remove any bias.  

Tailored marketing strategies are created to effectively communicate your brand’s heritage, values, and customer-centric approach. 

Reach out to our team of business consultants today for custom insights. Email or call on 01782 630777. 

    Enquiry Form

    If you would like to discuss your marketing needs, simply leave us your details or call our team on 01782 630777.

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